DeathDuck,,,,,,Before you stands Elder Nais, who looks at you with great concern. But apparently not because you suddenly swished in out of nowhere, as these words crumble out of Elder Nais's mouth:
Greetings, $name_player, it is good you are here, for verily do we face a calamity most foul! A feathered fiend has brought doom to our land. Yes, tis true! Death Duck is back in our lands, wreaking havoc, cacaughoning, and eating all of our bread!
Will you take on this beaked beast?
<img src="" alt="Nais Noughettes" class="centerImage" style="width:420px;height:595px;"/>
[[Accept Quest]]
[[Turn Down Quest]]
[[Head To Fields]] You accept the quest. With great bravery and whatnot. You are a true hero!
<img src="" alt="Nais Noughettes" class="centerImage" style="width:420px;height:595px;"/>
[[Trail By The River]]Elder's brows furrow into imposing rivulets of withered skin. "You must take on this quest. For no other will, probably!
<img src="" alt="Nais Noughettes" class="centerImage" style="width:420px;height:595px;"/>
[[Accept Quest]]
[[Turn Down Quest Again]]
[[Defiantly Stay In Elder Hut]]You're not entirely sure how you're sure where the fields are, yet you arrive nevertheless! Somehow, you know you must do something. Work! You've never much loved work, but something compells you to. Or maybe it doesn't?
[[Head Home]]"You lazy loafing lug, get to work!"
<img src="" alt="Nais Noughettes" class="centerImage" style="width:420px;height:595px;"/>
[[Head To Fields]] "Then off with you, vagabond! Shoo!
<img src="" alt="Nais Noughettes" class="centerImage" style="width:420px;height:595px;"/>
[[Head To Fields]] [[Harvest a turnip]]
[[Head Home]] You instead decide to head home. But you get the feeling that Home hasn't been implemented yet by the developer, so you instead choose to go back to the Elder's Home.
[[Nais Noughettes Elder Home]] {
(set: $var_item_inventory_turnip to 0)
}Before you runs a river both wet and watery. This presents something of an issue. How to get across? You think of 2 options.
You could either get closer to the riverbank, and see if something gets your inspiration flowing, or you could inspect that nifty bridge you see over yonder.
And good golly, somebody left a loaf of bread right smack dab in the middle of the trail. Can't leave that there! Yoink! You lithely lift the loaf into your lap!
<img src="" alt="Trail_By_River" class="centerImage" style="width:420px;height:595px;"/>
[[Head To Riverbank]]
[[Head To Bridge]]Bridges go over things. In this case, the river you need to go over. Sure, you could have tried something more daring, but then again, you are going to face down Death Duck. That's pretty heroic stuff. And you think you see something rather large on the bridge. Maybe it would be safer to just go back to the trail by the river?
<img src=""/>
[[Cross The Bridge]]
[[Trail By The River]]You decide to take a closer look at the riverbank, and see what you can see. Bridges are for people who are looking for an easy route. Or architects. You're neither. The riverbank it is.
[[Trail By The River]]You are a brave person. You've always said that about yourself. Plus, you've never liked water much. At least quickly flowing water, so you decide to walk over the bridge.
Halfway across, you realize that big thing you saw from the beginning of the bridge was a troll. A troll? Yes, a troll! My, that is unoriginal! You choose to disbelieve that something so cliche could have been written into this quest. In fact, you believe so goodly, that you stroll right past with nary a glance.
OK, in truth, you paid the troll's toll, and it let you past. What can you get for a tuppence these days anyway?
[[Death Duck's Domain]] You awaken from sleep and peer about. Where are you? You don't know, so you don't answer right away.
Of a sudden, you notice more things. Like the fact that you are laying in a medium pile of hay. You've lain in both small and large piles of hay before, so you speak from experience.
Of another sudden, a disemheaded face appears in front of your face.
<img src="" alt="Pile Of Hay" class="centerImage" style="width:420px;height:400px;"/>
[[Face The Face]]
[[Close Your Eyes]](set: $name_player to (prompt: "Welcome to my medium pile of hay, young one, said the face. You must answer this question, post-hayst: What is the most outlandish word you've ever heard?", ""))
(go-to: "Post-Hayst")
<img src="" alt="Face The Face" class="centerImage" style="width:420px;height:595px;"/>You shut your eyes tight. There can't truly be a disemheaded face in your face! I'll bet if you believe that it isn't there strenuously enough, it will go away!
[[Pile Of Hay]] The world begins to swish and swoosh. Or maybe you do. Either way, it's not the best feeling you've ever felt, but still, it is what happens.
Of yet another sudden, the world deswooshes, and you find yourself elsewhere!
[[Nais Noughettes Elder Home]] You hate turnips. Why did you become a turnip farmer? How do you even know how to harvest turnips? At the moment, it matters not a nip as hey, congratuations, you harvested a turnip. Wow!
<img src="" alt="Turnip" class="centerImage" style="width:420px;height:595px;"/>
[[Work]]Your bravery has brought you to this point. You are now in Death Duck's Domain. What quackery awaits you? What magic might this foul beast posess? What dangers may lay in wait? You're not sure.
But in the distance, you can hear it. What first sounds like a roar turns into a thundering quack. It is the quack of death. Of doom! It is the quack of Death Duck!
You consider that you may have not chosen very wisely. But what can you do? You don't have a link to click backwards! So you click on the only place you can.
[[Death Duck's Demesne]]You truly are a daring person! You are going to swim across this river! You are just daring the undercurrents to pull you under. Some unknown river monster to gnash your knuckles. Some eel to creep you the crap out! Some...river this is! It's only a foot deep! This river be dammed! (Is apparently what happened)
The best part is that you didn't even have to get your bread soggy. Onwards!
[[Death Duck's Domain]] You have descended into Death Duck's Demesne. This fiersome, legendary beast stands before you, all beak, feathers, and feet. It glowers at you, with an entirely unfounded rage. Why has Death Duck come to this land? Why does it pull at the threads of humanity, hoping to pull the tapestry apart, knitting together evil fabrics? You know knot.
What you do know is that Death Duck is gathering up all its strength. You can feel it. It's next act will be to gobble you up in a crunchy, unpleasant (for you) munch . You must act now. Before it's too late. What heroic act will you commit? What plan of genius will you hatch?
<img src="" alt="Death Duck" class="centerImage" style="width:420px;height:595px;"/>
[[Throw bread]]
[[Throw turnip]]With a wild and wily throw, you loft the loaf into the air. Two slices make their ways to the sides of the loaf and start flapping. Death Duck's eye lock onto the lofty loaf and it lunges, just missing it by a crumb's breadth.
The loaf slices begin to flap faster and faster as it propels itself upward. Death Duck makes chase as the bread rises, and begins to frantically flap its own wings, leaving earth and hithering hard! It has hithered so hard in fact, that has flapped off from the borders of this land, and continues to chase the airbound loaf.
While you may not have actually defeated Death Duck, you have managed to offload its threat to another land. Not great for the land where Death Duck lands, but not bad for you!
And your mother told you no good would come from loafing about!You hold the turnip true and strong in your hand. You've always known it would come down to a moment like this. Just you, your turnip, and a beak of dastardly death. This is your time. You will shine like no other has shown. You will make all turnip champions of the past proud. You fling the turnip with all of your might at this foulest of beasts.
The turnip hits the beast with a sound I guess. Really? A turnip? Your thought is to throw a turnip? You briefly contemplate the foolishness of that act while being munched inside a beak of death.
[[Pile Of Hay]]